The concept that other factors besides IQ play a crucial role
in determining an individual's success and satisfaction with career
pursuits has been put forward by many, but largely popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his Book "Emotional Intelligence" (Published by Bantam
Books, 1995), and in the subsequent titles “Working With Emotional
Intelligence”, and “Primal Leadership”.
Goleman has indicated in subsequent writings that he started the
“Emotional Intelligence” project in response to another popular book of the
time, "The Bell Curve"--which made the case for IQ being a prominent
factor in determining success across many key functioning areas, and suggested
that majority groups in the United States had a competitive advantage related
to possessing superior IQ scores. In "Emotional Intelligence", and
subsequently in his following books "Working with Emotional
Intelligence", and "Primal Leadership", Goleman outlined the
argument, utilizing extensive research and data, that IQ is actually a
very poor predictor of career and other areas of success, and that peak
performers in the world of business possess other core emotionally related
competencies, including the key areas of Self-Awareness, Empathy, Self-Control,
and Social Skills such as influence and team building. Goleman presents
overwhelming research that advanced degrees, technical training, and general
intellectual abilities are entry level requirements, but that it is actually
these emotionally based skills that predict success in today’s career
environment, and that these are the factors that predict the truly successful
career performers, and accurately define the vast majority of those who rise to
the highest levels of organizational leadership. Goleman Opens "Working
With Emotional Intelligence" by stating:
"The rules of work are changing.
We're being judged by a yardstick: not just how smart we are, or our
expertise, but also how we handle ourselves and each other."
In "Working With Emotional Intelligence”, Goleman, a Harvard
educated Psychologist, and experienced scientific journalist, documents that in determining star performance in
nearly every field of career endeavor, emotional intelligence competencies
matter twice as much as cognitive abilities (such as measured by IQ) and/or
technical expertise. These crucial
skills can also be learned, unlike many factors measured by IQ.
Peter Salovey (Yale University) and John Mayer (University of New
Hampshire) are research Psychologists who have pioneered the theory of
emotional intelligence, and have researched the area extensively. Salovey and Mayer have developed several well
researched and extensively tested measures to assess practical abilities across
emotional intelligence areas. The most
recent version, the MSCEIT, is available to qualified purchasers (individuals
with advanced training in psychometric testing) through Multi Health Systems ( Reuven Bar-On, is another Psychologist
who has conducted extensive research in this area, and who developed his own
self-report measure of emotional intelligence, the Bar-On Emotional Quotient
Inventory (EQ-i). Dr. Goleman's own
research endeavors have lead to his development of an additional workplace
related emotional intelligence measure (Emotional Competence Inventory) that
relies upon feedback from the individual participant, their immediate
supervisor, those who report directly to this individual, and the individuals
colleagues or same level peers. Goleman
advocates that this multi-level assessment approach (termed a 360
evaluation-related to a comprehensive and complete, or 360 degree data
collection process). All of these
measures are use widely utilized in top businesses and organizations in efforts
to assess and strengthen the essential core competencies of emotional
intelligence. All authors would advise
caution as well, as to the process for use of these competency assessments, and
the notable care and respect required in delivering feedback to individuals,
and in preserving the confidentiality of this data within an organizational
setting. All such publishers of these
testing materials advocate for the ethical and appropriate usage of these
instruments by trained and qualified professionals who abide by the standards
set fourth by the American Psychological Association ( in the usage
of these instruments and in the presentation of assessment results.
At J. F. Zagotta and Associates, LLC, we model our practice of career
and organizational coaching/consulting on the research and practices put
forward in Dr. Goleman's groundbreaking compilations of the impact of emotional
intelligence in relation to career endeavors. We believe exposure to these publications by
Dr. Goleman ("Emotional Intelligence", "Working With Emotional
Intelligence", and "Primal Leadership") serve as our most
effective means of advertisement and marketing.
We seek to help individuals and organizations build emotionally
intelligent career and organizational enrichment programs.
We encourage the utilization of reputable professional coaches and
consultants in these areas by those seeking to foster the lessons of the
emotional intelligence research, and put fourth that the completive edge to be
gained from these lessons, as well as the personal satisfaction within ones
career endeavors, is too valuable to ignore given today's job- market
realities. We further advocate for the
unique role that professional psychologists can bring to these endeavors,
through their combination of training in interpersonal interaction,
research and theoretically based
exploration of human behaviors/competencies, as well as expertise in
scientifically based assessment procedures, and the measurement of programmatic
outcomes. We offer links to other
Coaches and Consultants that we believe possess the requisite training, skills,
and experience base to be competent and reputable professional resources in
assisting individuals and organizations with these types of endeavors.
We believe that our particular strength, as a new and smaller sized
career coaching and consulting organization, is our ability to provide highly
individualized services and programs to our clients. Our clients deal directly with our doctoral
trained coaching/consulting staff, and our programs are designed specifically
for our individual and organizational clients.
We periodically offer our introductory seminars, "The Lessons of
Daniel Goleman's Working with Emotional Intelligence", and "The
lessons of Daniel Goleman's Primal Leadership", at minimal cost, to expose
individual professionals and organizations to the compelling analysis offered
in these groundbreaking and scientifically based best sellers. We also
offer a variety of other topics as well.
Please inquire about our next seminar offering.
Of course, we are also available for individualized consultations
addressing the needs professionals and organizations. Please see our full
contact information on the "Contact and Links" page of this
website. We look forward to your feed
back and inquiries.